Guitar Concept by Questto|No
Founder and partner of Questto|Nó and with more than 13 years of experience in design, Leonardo Massarelli is a strategy and innovation director. A generalist, he applies his broad way of seeing things to connect different knowledge to create new products, services or business. Leonardo was also manager FGV’s Innovation Forum focused on Design Thinking, and a professor at IED/SP, teaching majors in ID and Masters in Strategy Design.

Karcher concept sketches by Questto|No

Karcher Concept Development by Questto|No

Karcher Design Process by Questto|No

Karcher Power Washer Final Product

Natura Sou Packaging

Natura Sou Packaging. iF Packaging Design Award, 2013.

Concept Rendering for Agrale Trucks

Agrale Trucks

Mobiliário Furniture
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