Paul Catmur is Managing Partner & ECD at Barnes, Catmur & Friends in Auckland.
Hell Pizza
Boundary Road Brewery
Share the Love – Axis Awards
Self Promotion
Hell Pizza
Paul was born somewhere south of London in the UK.
After a degree in International Politics and 5 years working in casinos, he decided he knew enough about philosophy, psychology and drunks to work in advertising.
After ten years as a copywriter in London, Paul left to join DDB New Zealand. There he became Executive Creative Director, and also Chief Creative Officer of DDB Asia Pacific.
Tired of enjoying himself with the good folks at DDB, Paul moved to Melbourne in 2007 to become Executive Creative Director of George Patterson Y&R, then wished he hadn’t.
He re-crossed the Tasman and put his learnings of how not to run an advertising agency to good use teaming up with Daniel Barnes to form Barnes, Catmur & Friends.
Lacking the will to do scams then enter them multiple times into award shows BC&F decided to ignore them and concentrated on ensuring that their work was effective. Quite a novel idea at the time, but one that clients seem to appreciate.
This emphasis is paying off as currently BC&F are Independent Agency of the Year for Asia Pacific as well as being Number One independent for Effectiveness both in Asia Pacific, and in New Zealand (three years in a row). They are also ranked third in the world.
When not working Paul is generally fishing or walking his dog. His second greatest moment in advertising was meeting Peter Cook.

Paul Catmur
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