Check out some great work from Klaus Rosburg.
AH: What kinds of portfolios get your attention these days? What brings in an industrial designer for an interview?
KR: The most important thing for me is a good attitude. If you work with somebody, especially on a small team, and the chemistry is not quite there, you feel it right away. It also has to be somebody who is diverse and flexible because we do so many different things. If someone just wants to do consumer electronic products, that’s just not happening in a small agency. One day the team might work on a packaging program, like a simple cardboard box, the next day on a lighting project or a toothbrush, so there’s a lot of shifting around. If designers are interested in just one specific category, they can get unhappy quite fast. A few times I preferred a designer who might have not had the best portfolio, but had the best attitude and was motivated and willing to learn.
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