Animation Billboard Assen: The quayside in the city of Assen (NL) is enriched with a billboard that Kamps has designed. This billboard shows in an animation the residents of Assen what the near future will be of this outdated industrial area next to the city center. The unveiling of the object was also the start of the work which will transform the area the coming ten years into a modern urban living area. The billboard is moveable and will always accompany the work.
Lambert Kamps is an artist and designer based in Groningen, The Netherlands. Lambert studied fashion and design before attending Academie Minerva School of Fine Arts in Groningen. His work is widely exhibited in galleries, art fairs and on site-specific installations or happenings, known for blurring boundaries between art, architecture and design.
At the fashion school he fell in love with fabrics and the techniques of working with them. But, after four years of designing around the human body, he wanted to dress another subject. He moved on to pursue fine arts, which is where he found sculpture as a way to explore new materials and techniques. He graduated with an inflatable interior sewn of fabric, where the inflating and deflating of the different furniture pieces changed the function of the room.
As an independent artist he started his own studio in 1999, working on commissioned and independent projects. His personal projects, which are most of the time large scale, couldn’t be placed in galleries—so he showed them during open air festivals. He continues to expand the studio portfolio via products, installations and overall atmosphere that brings it all together.

Animation Billboard Assen

The Cozy Shelter: An inflatable hiding place that has the defensive look of a sandbag fortress from the outside. The inside is a contrast with the outside, it appears like a pastel collard cave, people can enjoy the cozy and safe atmosphere of soft woolen blankets.

The Cozy Shelter

The Cozy Shelter: The shelter is constructed of a 220 meter inflatable tube that is banded in layers and connected to each other by straps. This manner of constructing gives a lot of freedom in possible shapes and sizes. One side of the tube is made out of blankets and the other side is made from nautical fabric, so you get different atmospheres at the in and outside.

Fat Furniture: Inspired by the rising rates of obesity in Western consumer societies. If you take a look at the streets these days you may see a lot of people with unhealthy weight. The sometimes strange shaped bodies inspired Kamps to make furniture with an obese look.

Fat Furniture: Kamps started with covers that he inflated and filled with foam. It resulted in nice shapes, like friendly soft animals in the fields. These shapes are still the basic shapes that he uses for the current models. The covers, first made of fabric, are now made of wool. The wool is felted on the chairs so there are no seams, and all the attention goes to the shape of the object.

Pillow Tent: Inflatable tent for indoor and outdoor events. The tent consists of over one hundred connected individual airbags. The different shaped bags and the pressurized air inside give the tent its shape and firmness.

Pillow Tent at Salone 2011

Inside the Pillow Tent
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