Pam led the design management and research informing multi-platform, multi brand product development for Whirlpool’s new refrigerator platform.
Pam Nyberg, IDSA, DMI is the Director of Experience Design at Humana. She has 18 years of global consulting and corporate experience in human centered design, innovation strategy development, design education and design management. During her career, she’s led research, strategy, product, and platform development projects for employers including Whirlpool, Doblin, Procter & Gamble, Newell Rubbermaid, Thrive, and IDEO. Her design-related client list has included companies such as HP, McDonalds, Microsoft, Eli Lilly, Pepsi, Philips, Steelcase, SC Johnson, Boeing, and SK Telecom.
Pam has shared her human-centered experience design and design thinking perspectives with international audiences, corporations, and design programs in leading universities, including Stanford University and IIT’s Institute of Design.
Pam’s efforts have earned national and international design awards and her work has been recognized by Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, New York Times, and Fast Company.
Educationally, she earned her Master’s in Design Strategy from IIT’s Institute of Design, has a Master’s in Human Factors Engineering from the University of Michigan, and earned a Bachelor’s in Mathematics from DePauw University.

Another design variant based on design research principals.

Design research informed Philip’s Streamium MC-i200 architecture, UI, and accompanying website development

Pam conducted design research which informed Whirlpool’s Duet Fabric Care System product development.

Design research which informed Newell Rubbermaid’s Sharpie Mini product development

Febreze Before Design Research Study

Febreze bottles redesigned after design research study led by Pam Nyberg for Procter & Gamble.
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