Tjeerd Veenhoven is a product designer with a love for inventing materials and production techniques. In his mind being a designer is much more than just esthetics or expressing trends. From his design studio in the North of Holland he experiments with materials and crafts from all over the world developing new products to strengthen local economies, ecological awareness and design thinking.
Tjeerd Veenhoven is 36 and is founder of Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven. Besides that he is part of several innovation platforms. Through workshops and teaching he spreads awareness on bio based materials and the power of design thinking. The Palmleather project is an award winning and exemplary of how design can promote eco friendly materials and social responsibility. In 2012 he cofounded HuisVeendam, an innovation platform and design label to promote starch technology and design thinking in product development, from raw material to end product and beyond.
Follow Tjeerd @TjeerdVeenhoven

Carbon Strand Bike by Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven

Palmetti Flip Flops: a Palmleather Product

Palmetti Tote Bag: a Palmleather Product


Red Cedarwood Hammock

Rubber Chair
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