  • Interview Excerpt: Bodo Sperlein, Founder, Bodo Sperlein, London

    Check out some great work from Bodo Sperlein.
    AH: What kinds of portfolios get your attention these days? What brings in an industrial designer for an interview?

    BS: I’m actually quite surprised how bad the portfolios are, and it has nothing to do with the students but how designers are trained these days. I definitely feel like the students are being trained to literally design products based off of what’s happening now. I always look for innovation and ideas, and it can be pretty raw. A designer who has a vision or an idea that can be put in a product is far more valuable than a sleek presentation. These days it feels like students go to design stores for research and all they’re doing is copying what’s already out there. It’s happening more and more; there’s definitely a lack of innovation.

    It’s not a good sign. My professor in college was always saying, “If you want to design a cup, don’t go into a shop or a museum, or anything where you look at other cups—what you should be doing is going into a forest or going to the cinema—get your inspiration somewhere else.” The reason why is to train your eye.

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    Next Up: Bodo Sperlein

    Check out the Interview Excerpt with Bodo Sperlein.

    Agent Provoceture-Bottle

    Bodo Sperlein for Agent Provocateur

    Bodo Sperlein is a leading light in the world of product design, specialising in bespoke home accessories. His work is informed by a rigorous understanding of craft and material, promoting the use of historical skill and technique. His innovative design eye and unique approach to materials has made him a pivotal player in contemporary British product design. Pushing beyond tradition, he is dedicated to the creation of contemporary products, which infuse intelligent design with elegant sensuality.

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    Interview Excerpt: Blaise Bertrand, Partner & Industrial Design Director, IDEO, San Francisco

    Check out some great work from Blaise Bertrand.
    AH: What kinds of portfolios get your attention these days, and what brings in a product designer for an interview?

    BB: Generally speaking, I am looking at a number of criteria in a designer’s portfolio. First, I want to know whether or not a candidate has the “basic” industrial design tools for success: inspiration, research skills, expression tools, and, obviously, technical skills. If one does not have these fundamentals, he or she will ultimately struggle in a fast-paced, high-demand environment like IDEO. On top of these skills, I see another important dimension, which is the “magic” factor. This is the unique, unexpected quality that we can’t see anywhere else. It could be just a way of thinking, a way of expressing an idea, or even a new domain.

    When we are looking for designers, we are looking for people who not only know how to answer particular design challenges in the best possible ways, but who also bring individual points of view that will help our clients move forward on their innovation journey. More and more, our clients are asking for IDEO’s perspective. Even though we formulate it during the course of a project, we also need to have people who bring a critical and personal perspective.

    [ … ]

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    Next Up: Blaise Bertrand

    Check out the Interview Excerpt with Blaise Bertrand.

    Designs On--Food, Word of Mouth by Blaise Bertrand, Martin Kay and Byron Parr

    Designs On–Food, Word of Mouth by Blaise Bertrand, Martin Kay and Byron Parr

    Partner and Industrial Design Director Blaise Bertrand leads IDEO’s Palo Alto office, where he oversees multidisciplinary designers, works with European clients, and ensures high-quality, world-class innovation work for diverse clients such as: Hyundai Kia, Medtronic, Nike, Renault, and Samsung.

    Blaise’s passions include the future of transportation, the evolution of the car industry, and the leading edge of design. To advance global discussion in the creative community, Blaise established Designs On—, an innovation platform that presents forward-thinking provocations around themes such as Food, Global Warming, and Packaging. Continue reading

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    Interview Excerpt: Bill Barranco, Founder, Autovision Design Network, Palo Alto

    Check out some great work from Bill Barranco.
    AH: What kinds of portfolios get your attention these days? What brings in a product designer for an interview?

    BB: First of all, let me just say first and foremost if there’s a lack of illustration skills, if there’s a lack of communication skills—meaning the designer can’t draw really well but there’s some good ideas here somewhere—well, I don’t have much time for that and neither do the hiring managers. It’s still really basic in that department. If you don’t have illustration skills then you might as well go get an engineering degree. That’s the key component, the communication of your great ideas, and if you can’t communicate those great ideas, it doesn’t matter how good they are. That’s what illustration does, and whether that’s digital illustration or CAD or animation or Flash or whatever you got going, put it together, use the best tools you’ve got.

    When you grab the viewer’s attention, you’re going to communicate. That’s the whole point. Beyond that it’s the depth: what is the substance of this design? Is it useful? Is it value added? Does it improve quality of life? Is it desirable or clean industrial design? There’s the first read, which is illustration, but the second read is content.

    [ … ]

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    Next Up: Bill Barranco

    Check out the Interview Excerpt with Bill Barranco.

    Bill Barranco is the founder of Autovision Design Network in Palo Alto, California. Since 2000, Autovision has successfully recruited and placed Automotive Designers, from recent graduate to President level, into major many international automotive design studios in Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, Japan and China.

    LA 301 Hybrid Electric by Bill Barranco Continue reading

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    Two New Books

    First, we are excited to announce our second book:

    BREAKING IN: Product Design

    Author Amina Horozic spent the past two years interviewing over 100 Product Design luminaries about how to build a great portfolio and land the job you want. Their collective advice, tips, tricks, and wisdom will be invaluable to students and anyone who wants to get into the industry. We want to thank everyone who contributed an interview—you are amazing.

    Also, we have launched a new, updated and expanded, second edition of the original book:

    BREAKING IN: Advertising

    Author William Burks Spencer has added 29 new interviews with Creative Directors from all over the world. The total number of interviews is now over 130 and much more global in scope. Students and juniors in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia will find invaluable advice from Creative Directors much closer to home.

    And, as if that weren’t enough, we have this snazzy new website and URL as well. Last but not least, we changed our Twitter name to the shorter and snappier @breakingin so please follow us there or enter your email address above and let the new blog posts come to you.

    Read the full interview in BREAKING IN: Learn more about the book or Buy it on Amazon
    The book contains over three times more interview content.